Health Alert
Ebola virus disease in Guinea
Updated May 16, 2016Updated: April 04, 2016
Travel Health Notice
On December 29th, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that Ebola virus transmission had been stopped in Guinea. Guinea continues to monitor for new cases and measures remain in place to prevent transmission in the country.
The Public Health Agency of Canada recommends that travellers to Guinea practise usual precautions as outlined in the recommendations section below.
Please consult the Government of Canada’s travel advice and advisories for Guinea for more information, including safety, security and border measure considerations.
Consult a health care provider or visit a travel health clinic at least six weeks before your departure. Protect yourself by following the recommendations below.
Be prepared and protect yourself while travelling in Guinea.
- For general health information on how to prepare yourself before your trip, such as vaccines to consider and how to protect yourself against malaria, consult the recommendations for Guinea
- Make sure you are up-to-date with all of your routine vaccinations.
- Check your travel health insurance plan and ensure you are fully covered. Consider contacting your travel health insurance provider to inquire about options for emergency medical evacuation if you become ill.
- Practise strict hand washing routines
Travelling home to Canada
Before departure:
It is important to know that airports in Ebola affected countries may continue to be screening travellers for signs of Ebola or a fever and/or the possibility that they may have been exposed to the Ebola virus. Those who have been exposed or are showing symptoms of Ebola will not be allowed to travel on commercial flights, buses, trains or ships.